@MaryMamuzich Today I remembered the mini truck 'we drove together ' by faith ! Much safer than Tesla test drives!
The equipments and materials were used immediately for the Church planters training. The vehicle is used by the team extensively for traveling to rural areas.

Those who are wondering about the story; When severe travel restrictions were in place, through prayer a team managed to send a vehicle loaded with scriptures, agriculture tools, construction tools, water pumps and some food materials to a training location 400 plus miles away from the base.
The results are echoing even today!


@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I remember that faith journey! What a time of spiritual growth and intense way of getting to know our Savior better. He lead the way and still is the rock on which we stand! The Hand that shelters us in scary moments that make us bold! Ever 🙏 for all of you!

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