I took this pair of photos while on a composition-scouting walk. Sauntering along an uninspiring overgrown path, I noticed a petal on the floor which, unlike the rest around it, had a distinct resemblance to a heart. So, I stopped, and, experimenting with a number of angles and positions for myself and the subject, took the images below. Thankfully, the clouds blocked the sun for a short while at the time, which gave me a nicely diffused light to work with.


@Cherishingsparrows2020 Not currently. Do you think I should? Or, would you be interested in purchasing any of my photos if I were to start selling them?

@TakeN I don't know a lot about the online market for photos, but I've seen photos being sold. Yours appear creative and as though they have potential. Again, I'm no expert, but your photos are very nice. I'm not exactly looking for photos to purchase, but if you do decide to start selling your photos, I would take a look.

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