
@sinbach Just finished reading "The 6 Lies.." πŸ˜‚ should be mandatory reading in Bible schools!

All those points are reasons that I am self supporting. I work and save, then send and go. No need to exaggerate. No newsletters, or judgments. Just keep genuine relationships for accountability and encouragement. Pray and obey.

Next book... "The 6 lies indigenous leaders tell Westerners. "

1) you're my only supporter ** one church had 5 different sign boards for photo ops as needed**πŸ˜†
2) there are no other churches around **of their particular denomination**
3) we're planting a church in every village **on paper only**
4) there are no churches around **church buildings... home groups dont count unless it is theirs**
5) I have #### churches under my care
6) I am caring for #### orphans

"Westerners... we can do it faster, better, cheaper than you. STAY home. Send money. We'll provide photos. We know you like photos."

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