
We are living in an era in which there is no time to prepare for an event that happens another one even worse than the previous one.

May God prepare His entire Church to align with the prophetic times we are living in. It is no longer time to "be on a cruise ship".

Stiamo vivendo in un'epoca nella quale non si fa in tempo a prepararsi ad un evento che ne succede un altro ancora peggiore del precedente.

Che Dio possa preparare la Sua Chiesa intera ad allinearsi ai tempi profetici che stiamo vivendo. Non è più tempo di "stare su una nave da criciera".

@faith20 Thank you brother! I agree with you.

For already some time ago God started speaking about how it's time for me, and us as Church, to start taking Him serious. That, to follow Him is not a "childs game", it's something to take serious, be careful about.
He is looking for a people who are ready to leave everything else behind, who put Him first and will consider everything else as secondary. Not looking to and thursting for the idols and things of this world, but to only have eyes and a thurst for Him!
His will be done, not my own.
To follow Christ is not just about understanding what God has done for me, but also about how I respond to it. The Word needs to become flesh, to become a reality in my life, so that it will ultimately consume everything I am.

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." - Gal. 2:20.

@erdenpilger @sarikorpi Many greetings to you too. Have a nice day. God bless you.

@erdenpilger @faith20 Thank you! God bless you today with His loving presence, and may He draw us all closer to Himself each day we are on this earth. To Him be all glory! ❤ Kind regards, Sari

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