#DOVE Delayed by 90 days 😥
Translation and printing into a new language was supposed to finish 3 months ago.
School holidays were the best to reach out to the children. We missed it 😢
Translation itself is slow 🐌
Proofreading will more time ⏲️
Printing is not the last hurdle.....
'Ownership ' of the (any) program is the key in sustainability.
It is easy to find a professional translator/editor / printer from the city.
It will create more challenges than solutions.
Like , transporting it to the remote locations. (It's an easy story if you are targeting 4th generation Christian compounds inside the city).
First generation believers are slow to respond and adopt new methods.
Long story short 😃;
Please pray for our DOVE Children's ministry curriculum training program.
It may continue to multiply with local resources and initiatives.
It may add souls to the Kingdom daily.
It may not end up as printed garbage in some mission compound.
We may be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter. I pray God guide you to reach the hearts of the children with His Gospel message! Perhaps make simple graphic handouts??
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter thx for explaining it .. very interesting!