What is one movie you are CONFIDENT you have seen AT LEAST 10 times?

@sinbach This question brings me so much joy. All of the Mission Impossible movies and OF COURSE The Wedding Planner ​- perfect movie start to finish (judging you slightly that it's not on your list)

@bethany @sinbach Aliens.. Princess Bride.. Labyrinth... Many more... Just can't think of them all...


@linxglory wow - labyrinth?! i have not even thought about that movie in a LONG LONG time.
I have never seen Aliens, but the Princess Bride is a classic! I have only seen it once or twice, but the lines from that movie are quoted all the time in our circles.

@sinbach Haha indeed, it's one of the most quotable movies ever! Actually Aliens is super quotable too, besides the harsh language anyways.. heh

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