I follow this Swedish meat advocate on IG. I'm so anti woke, cause I eat a lot of meat. 😅 I don't care what people eat, it's their choices. There are bigger issues in this world. But please dont try to shame me for eating meat by using following arguments: 1. Meat is carcinogenic. 2. Meat is bad for the environment.
I won't take time to discuss that, but one example is that the scientific studies made on meat are questionable in several ways. For instance they have studied processed meat and low quality meat. There are unhealthy meats as there are unhealthy vegetables, fruits and seed because of how they are grown (like pesticides) and processed.

Mikhaila Peterson (daughter of Jordan P) healed of many diseases and could stop medication by going 100% carnivore. If I got it right, the meat of her choice is only high quality (grass fed) beef and lamb.
Right Dr @sinbach ?


@tanjaostman I have only listened to her a few times and during those times she was on a 100% beef and water diet for her autoimmune problems. It seemed to work for her. She did a TED talk about it, but they wouldnt post

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