@kaleb @sinbach DUDE, no, no,no. My country barelly managed to leave socialism.
After 40 years socialism brought only economical, environmental, mental, social & spiritual DESTRUCTION.
We are 30 years after leaving this anti-God system and still struggling with the social damage.
Please, in the name of Jesus, re-think your statement.
First Christians were NEVER socialistic, in Jerusalem they sold what they had, but they distributed acording to needs and socialism is about so called "equal distibution", this never works.
We, the Polish people are a living testimony of the socialistic horrors.


@tymektt @kaleb I personally believe that the first disciples were not socialist, they were part of a co-op. What is the difference? The difference is simply this - socialism is mandatory, co-op is volunteer. When governments become socialist, they enforce equal distribution through threat of force. When the early Christians joined together, it was from desire, not from force. Jesus did not force His disciples to join - in fact many chose to leave the group (John 6:66).
I write about this in our book CHINA AND END TIME PROPHECY when comparing the Communist Party to the JESUS FAMILY. The Jesus Family in China was made up of believers that volunteered to live together and distribute everything. The Communist Party believed in the same idea of equal distribution, but they did it through force. The fatal flaw of socialism is that the heart of man cannot be forced. It MUST choose.
Perhaps this is why socialist nations are more anti-Israel and anti-Christian???

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