Man with violent history of domestic abuse, kicked in door to this woman's home, grabbed a knife and was about to attack her and her child. He went from room to room until he found the woman.
Police had no time to respond.
She had a gun. He now has a hole in the head.
Innocent lives saved.


@sinbach too many innocent women are killed in Finland and Sweden by their husbands, boyfriends and exes. Ordinary people don't carry guns here since it's not allowed (except from for hunting). It's a tricky thing to defend yourself in these two countries, because if you use "excessive force" when trying to defend yourself, you can be more punished than the perpetrator. So you may defend yourself but know exactly how hard you can hit the perpetrator so that he won't hurt too much or die. How easy is that when your life is threatened?

@tanjaostman women are the ones that suffer the most from these gun control laws because a gun is an equalizer when faced with a larger, stronger predator. I'm actually in favor of giving women more gun rights that men.

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