
Virologist, vaccine expert, PhD, DVM, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, gives a strong warning against vaccinating children with covid vaccines, from a immunological point of view. He says it might be a death sentence for the child, aside from the risks with side effects. He says that the mRNA is going to suppress the innate immune system. Dr Bossche used to work for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and has 30 years of vaccine expertise. Have you ever noticed that we never hear the most experienced and prominent researchers and experts in mainstream media? I have saved over 100 research papers in my computer, that talk about natural remedies, efficient drugs, mRNA side effects, and alike, but the only thing we hear about is Pfizer's own biased studies, and reports about how "safe and effective" the vaccines are. Unfortunately this year a phenomenon called Sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) has been frequently mentioned in media. We live in crazy times!

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