I'm going live in 5 minutes, doing a Facebook webinar for "Solar Prepping" if you want to learn to be a prepper with electricity, join me now! youtube.com/watch?v=3DeIvqGgjy

I am hopeful that we will soon have a "road to Damascus" experience in the body of Christ. Be encouraged! youtube.com/watch?v=gmVCo1pu4I

I was at the Capital last week when everything went crazy, but I didn't want to talk about it right away, is there any way to upload my pics and videos through my mobile device? I have an Android phone. @sinbach

The hour is always darkest before the dawn. Trust the prophets.
Stay the course, it ain't over yet.

I see a lot of new faces on here since the election. Welcome to the party.

This was just posted by a friend in Beijing. When Pence spoke about China, it was censored. No joke

We just had a record earthquake in Moravian Falls North Carolina (tied for the year 1916) There are no known fault lines out here. Did you feel the mountains tremble? Jesus is coming folks. Get ready.

What's the lowdown on the explosion in Beirut? Any details?

Praying! I'm also seeking God for wisdom about media creation including video for Godly causes.
Would be grateful for prayer support, too!

Anyone have prayer requests today? Let's lift each other up and I also would appreciate your prayers for our video ministry...

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