What are people's thoughts on Grace Church suing the state?

I'm British, so the idea of suing is not something I'm familiar with

But, while I think it is wrong how churches have been treated, compared to pubs or casinos, I'm not able to reconcile these actions as a Christian

Maybe it's an American culture thing but I don't think so

I do think fighting to get back into a building to sing is missing the point when so many churches have waited more than they've innovated


Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily the idea of suing the state will likely just be a temporary human response to the oncoming persecution of Christians in the Western world. We who have ears to hear, know the times and season and it’s staring us in the face. Holding on to buildings is not the same thing as holding onto Christ. What we have in America is people who aspire to maintain a church building without Christ as the center.


@4given ok that makes some sense

No difference in the UK as I see it

Andy B

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