Dishwasher just caught on fire......thankfully it was only for 15 seconds cos I was at the cooker at the time

Now waiting on an emergency plumber to disconnect it so we can get it out the stinks!!!

Power isolated and I've just burst into tears on Jo because at least it happened when we weren't asleep and I could act immediately - even if the smoke detectors are really good, and get tested regularly by me that, is a shock have never faced - and this is why I check those smoke detectors!!

Estate agent have been AMAZING...spoke to the director who immediately assured me he would be underwriting any damage etc

Thankfully, it's just just a dead dishwasher, a bad smell - which we're currently venting, and nothing more.....

Praise God I was standing right near to it

Actual flames coming out the front of the dishwasher!!!!!!!!!!

@Berrybunchfamily These random things that happen are always a wake up call about little control we actually have, even in our own house! But so often seem to be testimonies of how much worse it could have been. Thank you Lord for your protection in whatever form it comes!


@lynnexxa Amen!! You're so right

It really should have been my son standing there....but it was me - so very grateful for that!!

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