@tanjaostman and mindfulness!!!!!!! Will try to resist my soap box on that issue. suffice to say that (and this is my considered/experienced opinion) anything that promotes emptying your mind is utter rubbish! That, in a nutshell, is mindfulness.
Jo had to to learn to deliver a programme for offendors that uses mindfulness...first time she was trained up, she passed and was considered exceptional, but she quit before the training course had completed because of that 1 issue, & then took a vicar (so called) & the woman who wrote the course - a Christian (so called) who both said it was great. Now (5 years on) it isn't used hardly at all, by any of her colleagues - who all avoid it!
By God's grace (& - we believe - her efforts the first time round (she has never had to deal with 'that' element & manages to avoid it
As for yoga - ugh!!!!!! So many Christians are pulled away from Jesus by that, but that is the single aim of yoga (being acceptable to Christians) & it does it well