This is so sad, especially when his background is worship leader and Church planter. His wife Lisa grew up in a charismatic church, and they were leading worshipin such environments. They are extremely talented musicians! I'm not American so I don't fully understand the (Church) culture over there. Is it common that people leave the Christian faith for some kind of interreligious belief? I have read that young people/young adults are frustrated with the American Christianity, and leave churches en masse. Especially frustrated with megachurches with more focus on strong leaders than on Jesusbeing the head, and putting up shows etc. Some leave for house churches, some for more liturgical churches, and some lose their faith, and some get into yoga, mindfulness and eastern philosophies. What's your experience or perception? Do you know what happened to Gungor?
@tanjaostman this is the YouTube video I mentioned
@Berrybunchfamily thank you for your earlier comments! Very interesting to read! I have listened 10 min in, and will continue. Since I'm into music, it interests me.
@tanjaostman I have lots of thoughts on this topic, having been a worship leader for more than 3 decades across traditional to contemporary, and childrens worship
@tanjaostman ace. I'm a keyboard man cos I never had the finger strength for a piano
You got a proper little band there 🙂
@tanjaostman wow. He's fabulous!!!!! I really enjoyed that - thanks for sharing
@Berrybunchfamily yes, he's got a great sense of rhythm! He has even developed since. He should do new recordings. We didn't just record with our phones, but my husband set up microphones. It takes some effort to stage it. I should encourage them to do it again.
@tanjaostman it takes quite a bit of effort! we know only too well
this is one we did (Jo and I), very early on last year, when we didn't really know what we were doing
they were a bit rushed fro a project we were working on
i'd love to take some time to do this, properly, with the songs i've written
i'm not so happy with how it turned out, but i do love worshipping with my wife 🙂
@Berrybunchfamily Thanks for sharing! Beautiful! I recognized the song from Jesus Culture. I love it. It doesn't have to be technically perfect when it comes to worship - the heart and passion behind is more important. Especially when you gather with other believers to worship.
@tanjaostman Yep. Exactly. God is after our heart, not our qualifications
@Berrybunchfamily Here is my son playingdrums, three years ago when he was 10!