
Covid update

Thankyou to those who have been praying and/or sending messages supporting us since last weekend! I will try to find a way of explaining just how important those messages have been, when Im able to

My wife of 25 years - today - made me take a self test, which showed I am testing negative for active virus. Which is good. Because any damage is already done, and it can't make me any worse.

We're aware this is good news, but not the end of this story. We still have a cough, feel generally very rough, and weak.

And Complications can still happen. But a negative test is certainly an encouraging step towards health

But thanks for your prayers thus far. They're still needed.

Andy, Jo, Steven, Nathan and Peter - The BerryBunch

@Berrybunchfamily It's no fun being ill! Please try to take it easy even if it's the last thing you want to do after so many days of not being able to do much. Stand on God's promises and focus on the positive. We are continuing to pray. God is greater! Much greater!

@Berrybunchfamily Sometimes when I'm ill, I struggle with distress at all the things I wish I were able to do. Lying around can be very boring, in addition to the misery of the illness. But, to rest in both body and heart, trusting in God, is so beneficial. I'm glad you're able to rest.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 to weak to do anything...walking to the kitchen for a drink takes it out of me

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