Was Jesus’ death an assisted suicide?

In a House of Lord’s debate on assisted suicide, Lord Vinson claimed that “Christ was put out of his agony by a kindly Roman centurion”

He seems to have missed the crucial detail that Jesus was already dead when pierced with a spear – proven by both the blood and water that came out.

In fact, Jesus turned down the offer of gall on the cross, which is likely a poison intended to relieve suffering.

Jesus ‘set his face’ towards Jerusalem and laid down his life to save us. But his death was no suicide – it was the unjust killing of an innocent man.

Assisted suicide attempts to avoid pain and suffering by risking the lives of many more vulnerable people.

But Jesus willingly suffered a painful death so that many others could live.


We believe in better care and support for those in the closing stages of life, and campaign against all forms of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Learn more: christianconcern.com/ccissues/


@Olamide I saw this a while back and was amazed at what he said. It's stunningly deluded and ridiculous.

And somewhat pleased at the shocked looks from the people around him as he spoke such rubbish...their reactions gave me a small amount of hope!

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