Unusual temperatures for this month. We use to get this cold in January. -18Β°C this morning - from our kitchen window. Thank God for engineering and triple glazed windows. I've never been freezing indoors in Finland, Sweden or Norway. But a lot in other warmer European countries.


@tanjaostman looks very pretty with the snow though. Peter would be over the moon with joy if he woke up to that!!

I went on a school exchange in France. And my pen pal's family just happened to live in a home on the Pyrenees. I woke up to more snow than I've ever experienced and it was amazing - we were snowed in, so went mountain biking in the snow, which I still rememmby fondly, 30 years on!

All my school peers were miserable with snow and cold. I was cock a hoop πŸ™‚ and totally in my element

@Berrybunchfamily I wish you could come and visit us and experience this! People like us who live on these latitudes are not as excited as visitors... For me to experience tropical heat, and a long clean beach with palm trees is paradise! πŸ˜€ A group of Thai people visited Finland a couple of years ago from the end of April until mid May. They had prayed to get the chance to experience snow. We don't usually get snow that late, and we just hate it so much if we get late snow... It was snowing one day when they were here and they were happy!

@tanjaostman you can keep your beach. I'll have the snow πŸ™‚

I have an allergy to the sun (discovered while in southern Spain, known as the sunny coast......it was suggested I should try and stay out the sun while the various medicine I was given had time to work!)

Lol - Jo bought me a card to cheer me up as I was limited to our room during the day

We had it translated (it was all Spanish) when we got home

It was a picture of a lovely dog, with a rose in its mouth

The words actually said "with sympathy on the death" (didn't trandalte very well)

We still chuckle about it

@Berrybunchfamily I would prefer both! But maybe in heaven... πŸ˜‚ Wow, you have an allergy to the sun... that's not nice. Skin reactions? I am definitely not allergic to the sun. πŸ˜‰

@tanjaostman yes. First time, I tried scratching my skin off.......it was pretty unpleasant.

Spanish doctor said it was pretty common. Gave me tablets, cream and an injection (and it was a shock to have to pay him for his time...something of a cultureshock for this Englishman)

My British doctor, when I got home, had heard of it, thankfully - just means I need to cover, especially, my upper back and shoulders and I've not had a problem since then

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