
4 weeks of blood thinners = 4 weeks with a beard.

Found some beard oil, and I'm now oiling and combing it most days

The barbed wire that was growing out of my face has now softened a little too

Andy B

@Olamide ?

@Pablito @Olamide thanks... not much snow though in Texas I guess...

Would love to visit the US one day, though, and Texas would definitely be on my list!!

@Berrybunchfamily @Olamide Let us know when you’re coming. Y’all would be welcome. One another note, I do miss having consistent snow.

@Pablito @Olamide I will. It's a dream, but a distant one

We don't get much snow now either where we live...we cold rain, but that's about as close as we get lol

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