Our hoover broke not long after moving. Finally hoovered the stairs, skirting, floor edges. Lots of elbow grease with the Hoover's extension hose and a brush!!

Was gonna cycle later. Pretty sure this counts as I tend to go for it quite a bit...

How y'all doing today, Friday?

Currently beautiful blue skies and a gentle breeze with plenty of sun, so I'm about to get a second load of washing on my line. That always makes me very happy 😊😁☀️

Wondering how long before we're told that's bad for the environment too - as it adds excess moisture into the air lol

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily Spring is arriving and it is so very welcome. It's wonderful to enjoy the "little things" in life, such as hanging your clean laundry. There is so much going on in the world today that can dishearten us or cause us to fear. In this world, we will face trouble, but JESUS has overcome the world. He's already done it. It's not that He might do it, or even that He will do it eventually. He HAS done it. Resurrection Sunday is coming soon, but we can already celebrate His victory that is now ours. We can enjoy the good gifts He gives us. I believe He wants us to enjoy the sunrise, the sunset, a job well-done, a smile or hug from a loved one, a greeting from a stranger, or whatever goodness He sends our way. He knows there are difficulties to face, but our seeing His hand in the small details of life helps to put these trials in perspective. He is so worthy of our praise and our worship. Thank you for sharing these joys from your day!


@Cherishingsparrows2020 amen my sister. amen!! And you're very welcome.

Sitting here marking some work from one of my boy's home education books, with birds chirping in the tiny orchard outside the window.

Yes, indeed, we need to apprrciate and celebrate the details of God's handiwork.

Totally with you on enjoying the things we can like drying washing on a line!

I'm very conscious tha not everybody can enjoy that.

Andy B

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