
forgot to post this one yesterday. One of my better ones I think. Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Out of Darkness Cometh Light, S04E058

This Andy B 2 Minute Video was inspired by Mandy, and her brilliant post - and power packed prayer - “April 2022 Prayer”. You can find out more about Mandy at her blog “Blue Collar Theologian”. Go check it out!

Darkness often feels like it is greater and has more power. People love to do bad things in the dark because, I guess, they think it can appease some of the evil of their actions. Or, just because they don’t wish to get caught – which really amounts to the same thing.

Darkness often feels like it is closing around us, and it can seem as though it wins more often than the good.

And yet, as Christians, we have a sure and certain hope that where there is light, the darkness will not be able to win! Scripture tells us that where light is, darkness can not be.

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