This evening I drove past this convenience store. Since I already shared a few pics from my life today, I decided to share another. Many times when I pass this little convenience store (not far from where I live), the fear of God comes upon me. Several years ago I had a dream where I was inside a convenience store and waiting near the checkout counter. Suddenly I heard a sound like a mighty shofar and although I was indoors, I saw Jesus coming in the clouds. I was so excited! This was what I'd been living for! Then, I immediately had the exact same dream again, except this time when I heard the shofar and saw Jesus, I also saw that I had been distracted from the things He'd given me to do. I felt so much shame and remorse! Around the time of this dream, this convenience store was opened. I've only been in it once or twice in the years since, but inside it is laid out just as the one in my dream. When I see it, I'm reminded to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.


@Cherishingsparrows2020 wow. That's one amazing dream and I love how God showed you the inside

Nothing is impossible for God!!

Andy B

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