
Not a bad day today!

Jo had a run with Peter, while I had cycleed: only 2 mins over my normal 9.5 mile route, so happy with that as I felt tired & didn't try much

Jo, and I, then, cycled together to the coast - and back - which was great, although the sun was a little warmer than we prefer at 12pm!!

Played Risk as a family, movie night over dinner, with home made, oven, chips with chicken thighs 😊

And I made a Victoria sandwich cake for dessert, with chocolate rather than the usual vanilla. Including chocolate flavoured icing, with dark chocolate sprinkles on top, and some raspberry jam.

Little bit of Foyles War to watch before we retire to bed, and a busy week ahead of us, with plenty of editing from a full day of filming on Saturday - which I've missed lots through our end of seasons break for the last month or so.

So, right now I'm a bit tired, but am also satisfied and happy with a lovely Family Focus together before Peter went off to bed.

Today has been a good day!

Andy B

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