
S01E003, A Fishy Tale, Dave Unleashed

Dave the Dog is still unleashed, but don’t worry JoJo is still there to keep him out of trouble!

As always, he sports his new-ish, no expense spared, flashy, well decorated set.

Watch Dave the Dog in his own show as he continues to get to grips with what he is supposed to be doing with the help of JoJo on the side lines. And work out for yourselves whether he behaved himself or not!

Story Time with Dave the Dog

This week’s story involves a bloke named Jonah, a big fish, and a lot of water.

What do you think Dave thinks of that?

Well, Dave the Dog has a whale of a time!

Art Time

For art time, JoJo shows us how to make a fish using an old CD, but Dave thinks it looks like a chicken.

Dave the Dog

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