Work on the new website is coming along really well. So here's a brief update. 😁

We're missing making new video content, but with covering the Breakfast Show on Konnect Radio we're glad of the change in our usual routine on top of all the work for the new website, which made covering the usual host doable.

A change is as good as a rest, and we had a blast with those 7-10am weekday slots.

Dave the Dog is missing recording too, but he'll be back doing some more story times from this coming Saturday - for our regular 3-6pm Sunday show on Konnect Radio.

And I'm taking two days of proper down time, just munching chocolate hob nobs, drinking early grey tea (sitting by our roaring log burner) and deliberately doing nothing much else except a drive to the sea to drink from a flask and watch the waves crash against the beach.

Andy B

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