I am seeing a small number of Christians starting to adopt the idea that Putin is the good guy and supporting his invasion of Ukraine. I am seeing an increase of believers saying that Putin is destroying the One World Government, destroying the Deep State, and ending child trafficking.
Personally, from the evidence that I have seen - this is a lie.
Anyone that believes otherwise, I invite you to convince me otherwise.

@sinbach It's definitely not as black and white as the mainstream media would like you to believe. The US backed Euromaiden coup in 2014 angried many russia-minded Ukrainians, by illegally removing a Russia-friendly president from power. So areas in East-Ukraine, including Krimea, Donetsk and Luhansk wanted out from this new illegal government. A Minks treaty between Russia and Ukraine was drafted, but instead Ukraine was shelling these independent areas for eight years, causing at least 11 000 people to die there. Putin felt the need to protect the Russia-minded people in those areas. He was also concerned about NATO expanding and Zelensky's plans to develop nuclear weapons. I believe Putin is making a mistake with this attack, but he has some very real and understandable reasons for doing it. About the One World Government: Putin has clearly expressed that he doesn't want a single world government in control but a multi-lateral world instead. That's partly why he is so hated.


@mster @sinbach Ukraine does seem to be important to the One World Government people. The Russians destroyed some US bioweapons labs, and Hunter Biden isn't the only offspring of a US politician to get many millions from Ukraine (along with 10% for The Big Guy).

But that doesn't mean Putin's the good guy. God likes for the bad guys to destroy each other, many OT examples including Ezekiel 38, (too bad for the soldiers and civilians on both sides) and Putin says Jerusalem and the Golan heights don't belong to Israel; maybe we are getting ready for Ezekiel 38.

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