Tears fall. Today was already hard for many reasons. But tonight I saw this picture and tears fell like a silent waterfall.
This is little YuanHao. He was a precious little baby who was born with anal atresia ( no opening). He was cruelly brought to the brink of death 3 times before we got the phone call asking if we would care for him! In this picture he is almost a year old. When we got him he only weighed 6.5 lbs at 9 months of age. With love and care he learned to smile, and even laugh.
We got the blessing of loving him until he went to heaven due to internal organ failure.
It’s amazing how there is always a place in our hearts for each child we care for that will never go away.And can still bring tears
See the before picture and after:
@weavers4jesus Oh, how heartbreaking! May you find comfort that only He can give.
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