@Berrybunchfamily I can identify with the frustration. As to sorting the world out...that may take some time. I find that I need to dig more into the Word of God to help "cope" with the mess this world is in. My husband and I were talking yesterday about so many signs that we're getting closer to the things written in Revelation. God is still seated on His throne and not one Word of His has failed. We have to keep our trust in Him and keep sharing His truth with others so that as many as possible will enter His Kingdom. You and Jo are doing this, and this is what matters. I will pray for your nation during this crisis. Nigeria has also been placed on my heart even more recently. Just as in Egypt in Moses' days, God heard the cries of the oppressed, His ears are still open to His people.
@Berrybunchfamily You're very welcome. You've been an encouragement as well through your dings and videos.
Keep alert for special opportunities to impact the lives of others during this challenging season. Keep alert also for signs of God's special favor on your lives and family.
@Cherishingsparrows2020 thanks so much...that's really encouraging...our soul aim is to encourage others through all we do!
@Berrybunchfamily Yes, it is evident. And, it's making a difference!
@Cherishingsparrows2020 amen
So many broken, hurting people...yes we, too, are pressing on - doing what we believe God has called us to do, with all we are and have to offer, such as it is, for God to grow as He wills it - for His Kingdom 🙂
Jo and I had a similar conversation about the end times. Ultimately, of course, we've been near them since Jesus was here, so we carry on, carrying on for His Name to be praised, 'running the race marked before us'.
Thanks for your comments - they're very encouraging and uplifting!
Andy B