This song is not new, but I heard it for the first time yesterday. It is powerful.

"Gilbert was 17 when his father was stabbed 26 times and killed for his faith and ministry in Iran. God transformed the tragedy into a profound testimony when Gilbert forgave the persecutors. Gilbert wrote this song and dedicated it to the ones who caused him to mourn.
Album and more info available at"

@tanjaostman So interesting that you shared this! I was just thinking of this brother yesterday! He has such a sense of humor in spite of all the suffering and grief he's experienced. In addition to the loss of his earthly father and his own persecution, he almost lost his life in a motorcycle accident. But, God is a God of miracles! Have you heard his testimony of being visited by a little angel to remind him he DOES have a father?

@Cherishingsparrows2020 I haven't heard that testimony! I need to look it up. His songs and life are touching!


@tanjaostman Amen! I love how we're all connected through the Blood of Jesus all over the world. We're truly one family, by Blood. This brother travels and is involved in so many areas of ministry (their family also made a powerful movie based on the same theme as the song you shared).

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