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“I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd.”

John 10:16

Two days til we start up the music ...

On Pure 27 Radio 😁🙂

Listening right now to our stream. My word it's good!!!!!

Last 15 minutes: Shania Twain ,Sheryl Crow, Fireflight and now Melanie C
..everyone a superb example of great music!!

Andy B

Https:// - Everyone's Cup Of Tea

let it begin!

we are Live and God is good

i'll be honest. when that first link played, bang on time, I cried just a little

nothing to global radio station launch within 3-4 months

God is so very good!

Enjoy music free of bad language and anything immoral or illegal

you're welcome

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DingDash is one server in the network