@DevotionalTreasures God bless you too! 🙏🏼
What a beautiful view indeed, it looks so peaceful.
God bless you today sister 🙏 @bethany
The Will of God, The Work of Christ & the Witness of the Holy Spirit
Psalm Sunday Recap - Yodh - 119:73-80
My wife and I met a woman in the grocery store last night. She just moved from California. She graduated from Berkeley College, and her father was a leftist professor. She just gave her life to Jesus three years ago at the age of 79!! And she got baptized two months ago!!
Don't ever give up on Jesus or on His power to reach people.
Guest Post: The #Spirt is Willing But the Flesh is Weak
#Christianity #God https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/11/02/guest-post-the-spirt-is-willing-but-the-flesh-is-weak/
Psalm Sunday (119:80)
Lessons From The Days of Lot
Flashback Friday - Hiding Place
But God Remembered Noah
You are welcome sister. To be honest I didn't remember the date, I just came across it like previous years 😊
God bless you today 🙏
A Scottish father and grandfather. I have been following God for 36 years. Here I share my daily devotional writing from my blog. May God bless you!