#Reformed Forum Conference: 100 Years of #Christianity and Liberalism: J. Gresham Machen’s Theological Legacy
#Christianity #Theology https://bit.ly/3T3R7I0
#Free electronic #book on PDF and Review: Perseverance in #Holiness
#Christianity #Gospel https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/10/24/free-pdf-and-review-perseverance-in-holiness/
Flashback Friday - The Beginning...
The Restoration of Israel
Europe - The Final Countdown
WHAT a tune; loving this on my drivetime show
Did we mention we now have a Breakfast Show, Late Lunch and Drivtime Show (breakfast show in the US and Canada)
And music is always 3 points Pure:
- no bad language
- doesn't promote anything immoral
- doesn't promote anything illegal
This week we have shifted to providing 70 hours of original radio each week
Andy B
only on https://www.Pure247Radio.org/
Some of our latest interviews trhat you might enjoy and be encouraegd by
Andy B
Some of our latest interviews trhat you might enjoy and be encouraegd by
Andy B
Some of our latest interviews trhat you might enjoy and be encouraegd by
Andy B
John Cooper, fromt the US rock band skillet - interviewed by @StevenBerry for his Rock Show on Pure247Radio.org
Christian GP and evangeslist - Dr Richard my resident doctor on my Drivetime show
Another one you might enjoy
Thank you Richard, may our Father God continue to guide and bless you today brother 🙏
@DevotionalTreasures excellent
Review: Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering #Christian #Wisdom in an #Online Age
#Christianity #Internet #Socialmedia https://bit.ly/47QKMnf
A letter From The Coming King
#Christmas Recommended #Books on Presuppositional #Apologetics for 2023
#Christianity #Theology https://bit.ly/3RfUvxX
A Scottish father and grandfather. I have been following God for 36 years. Here I share my daily devotional writing from my blog. May God bless you!