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A quote from J.C. Ryle in his book "Repentance" :
“Sir,” said a young man to Philip Henry, “how long should a person go on repenting?” What did old Philip Henry reply? “Sir, I hope to carry my repentance to the very gates of heaven. Every day I find I am a sinner, and every day I need to repent. I intend to carry my repentance, by God’s help, up to the very gates of heaven.”

@DevotionalTreasures I've received it, been comforted by it, cried some tears of wonderful release and replied 🙂

The final devotional in this Bartimaeus series this week; Bartimaeus followed Christ who healed him - He heals us too, but do we follow Him?

Just as Bartimaeus was, we are mocked by this unbelieving world. Let us have the faith and courage of Bartimaeus as we run to Jesus!

Sometimes being in the right place at the right time is a choice we make, being available for our Lord and Saviour.

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