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My wife and I met a woman in the grocery store last night. She just moved from California. She graduated from Berkeley College, and her father was a leftist professor. She just gave her life to Jesus three years ago at the age of 79!! And she got baptized two months ago!!
Don't ever give up on Jesus or on His power to reach people.

I've started a fresh season of my And B 2 Minute Videos 😉

S06E001, Matchstick Solutions

If you’ve ever removed a screw and put it back in to the same hole, you may know what feeling of panic when that screw simply keeps turning, and won’t tighten anymore. The hole has become worn, and so needs something to hold that screw firmly back in place.

A simple trick I was taught decades ago is to simply push in half a matchstick (and with the burning part removed!) and try that screw again. The tiny sliver of wood literally packs out the hole and gives the screw something to bind against, so it can be tightened properly. Perhaps try again with an additional half a match stick until that screw holds tight again.

Various moments in our lives cause to wiggle around a bit and we can become a bit loose, but what do we fill those voids with? Well, we can apply a similar solution to that wiggle room we have created in our lives, and pack th...[READ MORE ON OUR WEBSITE]...

My weekly, 500 word blog posts are back too 😊

In every-day life there are a number of things that you must do – like breathing. Just saying! And there are a number of things you could do – such as going to work. There are also things that might be good for you to do, like going for a walk with your dog.

All good so far. But, tacked on to that list – all too frequently, and easily – are all those things that we ‘should do’. And I’m not convinced that we should allow those ‘shoulds’ to have so much influence over our live,s because doing something out of an obligation reduces so much of the joy we can experience in our lives.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds a tad heavy!

It should be time for bed by now! Or is it…

Have you ever been sitting thinking that you should get your children to bed?

It’s a noble goal, and children without boundaries will not do well as they move through life because life is full of boundaries.

Sleep is great ...[READ MORE]...

Anne Laure Jackson is on the Get You Home Show talking all things Sensory!

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