Blessings of Faithfulness
Coming To His Mercy Seat
The Love That Never Forgets
Psalm Sunday (119:94)
#Sermon on Youtube: Do the Work of an #Evangelist
#Christiantiy #Evangelism
Hey up ding dashers - how's things for you today?
We've just celebrated 6 months since launching the radio station that God laid on our heart last February.
He has equipped, and supported us at every turn. It has been the impossible made possible and I'm daily.overwhelmed by the ooportiGkd puts our way; the door He opens; the people we've met...
Here's to the next 6 months.
Andy B
The Value of Hard Times
@DevotionalTreasures Thx for the explanations ..
S06E009, Garbage In, Garbage Out, Andy B 2 Minute Video
Have you ever heard the phrase, Garbage In, Garbage Out? Simply put, we could also say you are what you eat. And the same thing applies to what we listen to, or read, or watch.
50 years ago, you’d have struggled really hard to see indecent images. It’s something you’d have literally had to work hard to seek out – and, you shouldn’t’ have been doing that by the way and shouldn’t ever do so! Just sayin...
However, today, seeking to ‘not’ see indecent images is actually bordering on the impossible...[READ MORE...
S06E008, Get It Sorted, Andy B 2 Minute Video
I wonder what level of expertise you have in procrastination? I’m pretty sure there must be world records for things like that. But, what if we could spin that positively? And ask what level of expertise you have in keeping going?
Putting something off can make sense. But, it can also let that ‘thing’ grow into a much bigger project.
If you don’t dust regularly you’re actually creating work later. Dust on windows gets damp, and damp dust becomes mould. So spending time dusting every day, or every week, will save you dividends in time later. Let alone the health benefits it will provide...[READ MORE]...
Presuppositional #Apologetics’ Links: Third Week to end of January 2024
#Christianity #DatPresup
Thoughts On Two Betrayals
Flashback Friday Repost : Favour In The Eyes of God
A Scottish father and grandfather. I have been following God for 36 years. Here I share my daily devotional writing from my blog. May God bless you!