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"Alex Jones Issues Warning To Trump: Disavow Poison Covid Shots NOW"

While he was still with us, Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko warned a couple of years back that Trump was concentrationg on his legacy. Now I don't know what is going on with all the things in the world exactly, but even as being born into a classic Israel-friendly Christian family it is hard to see what even the allies of Zelenko really are trying to do at the moment, not to mention Trump, "how many they are", "black and white hats".

There will be a legacy, for sure. The question is, should that be with NEW AGE, some Jewish heresy and the POPE?

Or should it be with YESHUA THE MESSIAH, JESUS CHRIST and with GOD?

Pay attention when the owners and the investors of both the magazines and the technology even admit it and SELL it.

@sinbach @holistic
Ed Dowd - 'After the turmoil I believe a renaissance is coming but into this chaos I am taking action to ensure it'

@sinbach @holistic
Ed Dowd - '" "Vaccine" Cover-up In Process
[Also: "...exclusively blamed on climate change.]

Ed Dowd - "Implications of ''Vaccine'' Fraud on Global Economy"

Ed Dowd - "Millennials Experienced a Vietnam War in 2021"

Ed Dowd - Gettr - 'Net zero is eugenics wrapped in a bow.'

Forum Of Christian Leaders - FOCL Online:
"The Truth About Islam's Origins - Jay Smith"

Don't know if anyone has posted this
Pastoral -BTJ - Deling Update (a part of the mail)

"DELING UPDATE The wife of Bro. Yun of The Heavenly Man, Sister Deling, is still hospitalized. Her body is still weak ("weal"?) and in need of strengthening before any more procedures. They have here under constant care and observation. Do continue to pray for the restoration of her health."

BTJ - Dr. Eugene Bach reports: "The Chinese economy isn’t heading for a crisis. It is already in the middle of one."

"Human Rights: The UN, Jesuits, and the Sabbath-Sunday Debate | Truth Matters - Amazing Discoveries"

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