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Duane Frazer and Hector Tamez
(Joshuaprojects & Finishing The Task) & AsiaLink
unreached people groups

As a person, and pastor, and "diplomat", he reminds me so much of my late father. Seems some people from that generation were just like that.

BTJ Book: "I Stand With Christ" - pastor Zhang Rongliang.

How did a woman with royal blood after all the turbulent 1970s+ end up being a great blessing to her old country in Cambodia through the Foursquare children & church home work?

A moving story about obeying God through strange circumstances and love for other people:

Joshua Project at AsiaLink Norway - to reach all the ethnos, people groups, nations with the Gospel about salvation in God - Jesus Christ!

"Jesus Appeared to a Tibetan Man as He Experienced Persecution"
Video: "When Jesus visited my dad"

Remember - or if you don't know - the even more nefarious machinations reveled far behind these classic "organizations" like "Isis". (That name itself should remind of certain pagan things from world "religion" history.)

"ISIS Uses Fake AI News Anchors in “New” Alliance with Cyber Satan"

[ "As I wrote in my latest book Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 10: Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East, the name “ISIS” was adopted with the acronym of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which was inspired by the mysterious rites of the Priests of Isis, who was the sister and wife of Osiris, a prominent figure in Egyptian mythology, that has a key role in Freemasonry and the Illuminati." -Leo Lyon Zagami article, quote ]

"Confessions of an Illuminati Volume 10: Islamic Freemasonry and the Secret Societies Behind the Eternal Conflict in the Middle East"
" 20 May 2024 | adm-zagami "

BTJ article series by Eugene & co:
"REVEALED: China’s Plan to Create ONE CHURCH FOR ALL RELIGIONS (Part 4)"

BTJ's Eugene's report:

"China is NOT Trying to Make Christianity More Chinese (Part 3)"

Hmm - This is classic Marxism and then some nationalist "characteristics" seen all over the world in many forms:

("China might be a Communist nation, but Chinese and Communist are not the same thing.

The Chinese have a long rich history of language, poetry, culture and customs that stretches back several thousand years. Few nations on earth are as old as China. In contrast, Communism in China can only be traced back less than 100 years....

...However, the primary goal of Zhongguo Hua is not cultural assimilation but political control—to ensure submission of Christianity to the Communist Party.")

Notes and Commentary on
The Pilgrim's Progress
by Ken Puls
Pope and Pagan

" 56. Pope and Pagan "

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