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Communism and other factions is more like a white flag of parley, surrender or the old rule "king" dipped in the blood of the defenders or attackers. See the many French to and fros between the Xth monarchy and the Xth republic...

In the old world symbols like the sickle hammer etc ment something occult to the people in the middle ages they say, hmm?

(See the Alex Jones video of the world leadership gathering in like Bohemian Grove, Davos, Bilderberg - handing out ... communist brochures etc. Now, why on earth would the ultra-rich want to do something like that unless they benefitted from its kleptocracy like so many old pirates hmm?)


Ancient world.

Marx and British Museum, British Library.
The UK foundation back in the 1600s, and also the stories from the 11-1200s with a king John who gave over the land to Roman Law - the Papacy.
John Dee, Francis Bacon, the Atlanteans and "John Dees - Why do YOU require... science..." -> see science and gnosticim, see Bible about the depths of satan warnings and what is known as hermeticism.
It all connects.

The very same stuff over and over - just digging deeper shows more details, connections.

PS. This is 50-200 years past tense. It is just being fed to the masses ("us") like bone thrown to a dog and also like "the noble lie" linked with "revelation of the method" same old stuff.

Once (15-1600s+) we called it "Romanism" and satanism and witchcraft etc. Whatever that was, hmm?

also notice that the "Lawrence of Arabia" age designed flag by a crownie henchman of some kind presumably, contins the four colours of the 4 horsemen with the mistranslation of the pale green as white as so often done by the death leaning milieus or whatever - check Strongs words, Koine Greek etc. It is also "united" by the RED pyramid, - oh there are so many connotations with red war blood mountains pyramids pagan imperators... don't even start. (Just notice all the 'red' used in the Viking lands too! And barns etc...) All crossroaded through Rome traced back to Babylon Bab Ilu and stuff it seems.


While in Oxford, UK, Eugene was puzzled to see pro-Palestinian protestors carrying the Communist Party’s flag while chanting their desire for freedom.

Comment: Because through "communism", the satanists in the Oxford Academia and in Paris Macron's stuff etc will re-find rabbinic sattabeic commie satanism - and also blue satanism aryanism - old style oppressive tyranny.

Simple as that.

It's all in Napoleon's day READ LEO LYON ZAGAMI, Walter Veith, Bill Cooper, Sean Hross, Al Pike/Blavatsky/satanists throughout the esoteric ages and shite...

"The Vatican in Shock After the Pope is asked to Resign by the Most Influential Theologians of the Catholic Church!"
" 10 May 2024 | adm-zagami "

Leo Lyon Zagami article:

His life story so far became a wonderful testimony about faith and God's supernatural miracles!

"Iranian stabbed for sharing his faith, miraculously made it across the border without a passport!" by ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry

@Backtojerusalem @sinbach @Chase @Chip @holistic +++!

From "Imagine" to Woke Jesus and church denominations - What the world sees and hears nowadays - Some contemporary insights from "Babylon Bee":

"Imagine… Communism (John Lennon Parody)"

"Woke Jesus"

"Biden, Did You Know? (Song Parody)"

"The Trump Bible Translation"

"Introducing The Biden Bible Translation"

"The Babylon Bee Guide to Every Christian Denomination"

There sure is work to do. - Blessings on the way.

From the latest Leo Lyon Zagami show (full show version on banned .video etc) 😬:
"Imagine… Communism (John Lennon Parody)"

Lineage | Season III | Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark & The Flood | Episode 1 | Creation to Kings | Lineage

https://kcnawatch .org/newstream/1714706420-787684494/on-day-of-leaving-for-military-post/

..."Dwindling foreign aid". "Foreign aid has declined." --- also called money laundering, while the MISSIONARIES are accused both abroad and AT HOME for EVEN TRYING TO HELP!

"North Korean Orphaned Children Forced to Serve in the Military - AS CANNON FODDER POLSTERING AND EXPENDABLES, FOR THE REGIME", MORE LIKE IT!

GONE ARE THE DAYS OF *Go-chi, go-chi, cozy cozy, little cheeky son of the nation, off TO SERVE THE FURER HITLER, hmm?"

Now they skip the pleasantries. You. Serve. Now.

No family, no defense, no choice... and this is just THE START of that insane planet of totalitarianism of theirs over there.

Slavery, the Civil War & Ellen White | Episode 21 | Season 2 | Lineage

"Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ"

"The Bible says, "Pray without ceasing," yet a federal judge ruled that public prayer is unconstitutional. Now we're just 2 days from a MAJOR deadline."

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