Freedom boosted

I LOVE our old table. i don't want to cover it up with a new table cloth. I want the road map of grooves and veins of dented grain to tell me stories. I want to run my hands across each unique testimony retold with decades of nicks, dents, and bruises that only this table can tell.

Freedom boosted

A 14 year old girl child missing from an area infamous for child and human trafficking!
Parents are believers from a majority language group. They were under severe persecution from the community
Please pray!
Please pray!

Freedom boosted

A Death Row Survivor. Sentenced to 100 lashes and death by hanging in Sudan for refusing to deny the name of Jesus and accept Islam.
I am overjoyed to be making a special announcement with Mariam Ibraheem on Tuesday about a NEW project that we are working on together.

DingDash is one server in the network