Pray about joining our next school term at CMM College of Theology. Many Streams Flowing Together In The Lord's River Of Life! Learn Via Experiential, Revelatory Study! The deep study of the Word and Holy Spirit should never be dry! (please share with friends and family) Many graduates speak of our School as an environment for revelatory, experiential, and engagement challenges students to develop critical thinking skills As we near the completion of our 14th year of offering Accredited Christian Degrees globally online. We are accepting applications for the next school year. Check out our website at Apply today! You can begin to earn credit hours soon in preparation for our next session! (We apologize, in this video we had problems with video features, so please listen to the audio portion.)
#MemoryMonday: 4 years ago this day we posted "Our Posts on Problems with Bart Ehrman’s book, “Did #Jesus Exist?”" (we defend the #Bible)
Angus Buchan speaks about Jealousy
Garment and the #Gospel
#Christianity #God #Jesus
Angus Buchan - An Understanding Heart
God doesn't make junk.
A devotion of redemption.
This week's guest post is by Manette Kay, a precious sister in the Lord. She writes on the subject of living water.
Whatever you are going through, Before You Give Up, Watch This.
Has the historical site of the Red Sea Crossing, according to Exodus 14 been found? This is very plausible and informative information.
Morning prayer
Angus Buchan - Master of the Wind
It may feel as though life has slowed down during all the lockdowns and restrictions the past year, but BTJ missionaries are still faithfully taking the Gospel into the most unreached nations in the world.
Our prayers are a vital part of their work. Would you take time to pray for them today?
Here's 12 ways to pray for missionaries working in the 10/40 window:
Pastor James Coates interview after his church is locked down.
Hebrews 6:10
John 15:5
Retired pastor/teacher to inner city homeless/drug/alcohol addicted.