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Our only hope is Jesus Christ and His Righteousness.

To pursue God the way He pursued us and brought us to His Son, Jesus Christ! ✝

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"Buck" Moon -July, 7
Saturn and Jupiter rising above the full moon, opposite each other, giving an impression of a stag's antlers.

O Father, I pray that my faith will be authentic when my time of trial comes.
Thank you for the heroes of faith who kept doing what the Spirit led them to do, regardless of opposition.
Give our present-day missionaries the wisdom to know when to move to a new place and when to settle in and endure opposition.
Most of all, Lord Jesus, pour out your Spirit with power so that all of us will share the message of Jesus with wisdom, courage, and passion. In your name, O Lord, I pray. Amen.

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Some deny the and say the is 's Power, but if that is true, it would be redundant to describe the Spirit as possessing power in Romans 15:14 and 1 Corinthians 2:4

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Here's our answer to the skeptics who would slander 's Word to say its a contradiction when it isn't:

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To my global family,
This message feels so urgent. I had a dream that I don't remember, only I was aware that I'd been shown an illustration of the scripture where the Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast, it's hidden but is doing its work. It CANNOT be undone! It WILL have its effect. When I awoke later, I was pondering the dream and immediately the scripture came to me, (Psalm 126:6) where the one who goes out weeping, carrying the precious seed of the Gospel will INDEED return with joy, carrying the sheaves of the harvest. The words CANNOT FAIL were strongly impressed upon my heart and mind. So, brothers and sisters, please be reminded that your labors in Christ are NOT in vain. This message was so emphatically impressed upon me that I feel there may be someone in particular who has invested so much and is wondering if it's making an impact. People are giving their lives and is it in vain? No. You CANNOT fail when you are sowing the precious seed of God's Word.

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Does Presuppositional ’ impossibility of the contrary mean that we need to analyze every worldview?

I am not ashamed of the

Gospel of Christ, because it is

the power of God for the

salvation of everyone who
first for the Jews, then for the Gentile.

Romans 1:16

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Should Christians be prepared for disaster? Did 2020 teach us anything? What can we learn from the mission field?
I sit down and talk with the founder of 'Christian Preppers' podcast and what he shares with me from the Bible about being prepared should perhaps be heard by every believer.

The enemy is in-a-me.

Romans 7:24-25
24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?
25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

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Please pray for Peter - 10

This electrical fire has really, badly, shook him up

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You are my hiding place,you shall preserve me from trouble,you shall surround me with songs of deliverence.psalm 32v7

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