Ivan Stoev boosted
Ivan Stoev boosted

We have reached episode 100 of Fuel For The Harvest! In recognition of the milestone, this episode is dedicated to all who daily suffer for the name of Jesus and for those who have paid the ultimate price for the sake of the Good News! We share untold stories of believers grappling with their lives on the frontlines. FuelForTheHarvest.com

Ivan Stoev boosted

For reasons I can't explain, this photo was covered up and filtered by Facebook for being "violent or graphic." 🤔

Hey guys. I didn't post here from a long time but God is moving. He never stops to do it and to bring people into His kingdom. All glory belongs to Him in the name of Jesus Christ.

Just recently I preached on zoom in a small church in Pakistan. The Holy Spirit encourage and touch all people there. They were very blessed. I can see other brethren doing the same. The closed borders cannot stop us to preach the good news of Jesus. A big revival is happening right now in this country. Let's continue do the work of the Kingdom!

Maranatha. ❤️

Ivan Stoev boosted
Ivan Stoev boosted

@sinbach God is awesome! ☝🏼

i have a question: Why you welcome me with: "Welcome to the REBELLION"? Why REBELLION? What that's means?

@sinbach Yes. This is how God moves in Bulgaria. He always good!

Lear your identity in Christ! Who you are in Him?

Ivan Stoev boosted

A new follower in an undisclosed location was baptized recently and has been discovered by locals. He is now facing court for converting. They are forcing him to renounce his faith. If he doesn't agree, they may beat him, fine him, or evict his entire family from their home.
His trial is tonight. 🙏


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