I started writing a 4th book this week on the Apostle Paul with 60 days of content, although unlike @sinbach I don’t plan to actually publish (or self publish) any of them when releasing by web is so much easier— and since I lack the audience and the equivalent writing talent. (My other published work probably has even less of an audience.) Anyway, the supernatural life of Paul is pretty amazing— when I have read in between the lines, even more so. He’s intense!
@sinbach that is a very kind offer. I would love to write on topics that build up the church and can work for free. I’m open to suggestions.
@Keeper if you are talking about mine, it’s available at www.jason.church/downloads. @sinbach has a new book on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Shackled-Dramatic-Triumph-Persecution-Sentence/dp/1641238194/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=1WC0Q944Q3M9Y&keywords=eugene+bach&qid=1647138627&sprefix=eugene+bach%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-4
@Jhayward bro you should be a contributing author to btj. we'd love to possibly share content that could contribute to missions understanding