anybody remember the "security" expert with 😂 more than a life time of experience in military intelligence saying Ukraine was done, put a fork in it?"
Well it's been more than a month and the Ukrainians are STILL holding the line. They have humiliated the Russian military AND now even started to strike targets in Russia.

@sinbach I hope your right, I cant believe anything the media says

@Jim341 brother - i am with you - I DONT believe what the media is saying - but there are certain facts that we can deduce from observation regardless of who is lying or who is telling the truth.
#1 Russia invaded (regardless of why)
#2 After 1 month - Russia has not taken over the capital city
#3 After 1 month - we are now seeing Ukraine attack Russian targets
#4 Countries that have far bigger problems (i.e. Syria, Belarus, etc) are sending troops to help Russia. (When Syria is coming to your aid - you KNOW you have hit rock bottom).
If I don't look at anything else - President Z's speeches, Putin's reports, Biden's undiscernible drug induced heavy edited blabberings - I can see that Russia, a major world power, was expected to march on Kiev in two days and the fact that he hasn't - is a MAJOR military victory for the Ukrainians.
Even if they eventually loose, because the odds are against them - they should be proud of their fight.
@bethany - like in Rocky Part I

@sinbach @bethany I watched a video with cmm a guy in kyiv posted saying their just starving people out and waiting until they surrender. That russ couldve steamed rolled them but their waiting on purpose.

@Jim341 could be, but I have to deduce from the facts on the ground and I, as former military, believe that morale, momentum, and control of the high ground are the most important military tactics in battle. it is not good for troop morale or national support to watch the president of Ukraine do daily speeches to US, EU, and UN via computer every day to raise support. Russia is losing troops, leaders, and military equipment during this time. Thats bad for morale.
Second, if a military unit has the momentum to steam roll - you steam roll. momentum during battle is EVERYTHING. Can you imagine the public outcry if it would have taken the US more than a month to take Baghdad or Kabul? It would've been domestic mayhem in US.
Third, Kyiv is the high ground with the national TV stations, airport, government offices, presidential palace, and supply center.
Like I said, I don't so much believe what I see on the news, but what I can naturally deduce.
A siege of Kyiv? maybe not


@sinbach time will tell. I cant route for either side. I pray for the innocent.

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