The Suffering Church
ACN in the News
Religious Freedom Report Report: most of world’s population live in countries that violate religious freedom
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RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IS VIOLATED SEVERELY in one out of every three countries. In the last two years, the fundamental right to freedom of belief was not respected in 62 (31.6 percent) of the world’s 196 countries; 67 percent of the world’s population, or 5.2 billion people, live in countries that exhibit grave violations of religious freedom, including China, India and Pakistan, three of the world’s most populous countries. And Christians are most often targeted by persecution.
More good news from the CDC:
Prakash Daniel shares depth, wisdom with the Word and Holy Spirit. How can we partner with the Lord? To invite Prakash to speak at your church or fellowship and to support his ministry contact our office.
Biblical justice in the 21st century as the Lord shows us how to obey and love! Honoring the widow's mite as we care for orphans and widows and so many worldwide. MIRACLES FOLLOW OBEDIENCE! Learn what CMM is doing to help thousands during the lockdowns. CMM IS BLESSED WITH SO MANY PRAYER WARRIORS WHO GENEROUSLY GIVE TO CARE FOR OUR BRETHREN GLOBALLY.
Prov. 28:27 "“He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” Prov. 19:17 "He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and that which he has given He will repay to him.'
CMM College of Theology is having our 14th-anniversary graduation. What sets our school apart? Watch and learn more. Are you seeking to grow in the Word and Spirit of the Lord? Many streams come together to be 'iron sharpening iron' to develop critical thinking skills by studying the Word, the Holy Spirit, theologians, history to grow in their understanding and revelation. In all your getting, get wisdom! Our school is globally online in English and Spanish. Ideal for busy, working families to study right from where you are. Applications are being accepted now. You can even start early before classes for next year starting in September and begin earning credit hours right away. PLEASE SHARE WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHO HUNGER FOR MORE OF THE LORD! Apply on our website today.
Greetings Dear DingDash Family
CMM Oasis April-May line up-These are all powerful members of CMM and friends of the Lord.
April 27th 2pm- Prakash Daniel
Prakash is from India and lives in FL. He is very prophetic and carries a strong healing anointing and an evangelist.
May 4th Tuesday 7pm Jachin Charley Scott
Jachin has had powerful encounters with the living God many times and has an amazing heart of the Father.
May 11th Tuesday 2pm Jacob Reddekopp
Jacob and Katharine are from Canada and lived in Ghana for 15 years with a church, schools, and powerful ministry to many people.
May 18th Tuesday 2pm Farzad
Farzad is a grandson of an Ayatollah in Irxn and was radically saved, imprisoned and almost every bone broken while Jesus visited him every day to teach him.
May 25th Tuesday 7pm Moses Aghamkar
There are many transformed lives poured out through Moses and his family and team.
Zoom Meeting
The guns of April:
The percentage of church leaders 65 and older has nearly tripled, meaning there are now more pastors in the oldest age bracket than there are leaders younger than 40.
We are to tune out the news of the world and hear what the Lord says! In spite of the global geopolitical disappointments, we know the Lord will have the last say. Discovering the eye-opening, life-changing discoveries awaiting us in miracle encounters and joy and peace found in the nations of His Harvest! Our confidence is in Christ alone! Wake Up Time! Be encouraged now as we speak His Word! By His grace, we learn through the trials and brokenness we learn from trials and persecution. Freedom fighters in the Spirit are learning how to cope, even thrive by our greatest weapon of PRAYER! Psalms 2:4 "He who sits in heaven laughs!" We have not because we ask not.
The Lord is our strong tower and refuge. As more nations face overthrow those facing increasing persecution must seek the Lord intimately and intentionally to be able to withstand the winds of change and storms heading our way! As we keep our eyes on His glory the Holy Spirit strengthens us as overcomers and joint-heirs with Christ. Sons of God and priests and kings arise and shine for as darkness covers the earth like water covers the sea, the glory will shine brighter and brighter on us who stand!
Not all ministers need a stage.
Not all preachers need a microphone.
Not all ministries need neon lights.
Missionaries in closed countries are going back to the basics and using the same methods as the 1st century church - using simple business opportunities to spread the Gospel.
That's why we are hosting a Christian business forum and are inviting you to come and meet our Chinese, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African partners that currently use business in closed countries to support the spread of the Gospel and how we can partner together.
Pray for a much-needed revolution in education. We have lots to do to change this startling behavior! The study found that the most common worldview among Americans (88%) might best be termed syncretism, said Barna, describing it as a "disparate, irreconcilable collection of beliefs and behaviors that define people's lives."
Conspiracy theories bonanza! Is it real or fake? Watch this and let me know what you think: