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Podomatic NEW Episode
CMM Theology MMin 2023, Roelof Theron presents "The Distorted Mirror Image.”
Roelof Theron shares with us that there are many aspects that can influence our walk with God.
-We become a mirror and the reflection we bare is the image of the original, we are not copies, we reflect the true nature of God on Earth- How do we hear and see in the Spirit? 1 Kings. 18:41-45 Hearing the voice of our Lord and obeying in faith, perseverance, and single-minded commitment even when we are misunderstood, rejected, or despised please the Lord. Are we prepared to be a fool for Christ and risk it all for His glory? We are in the amazing days we will see strange things. Luke 5:26. Eph. 3:14-20 to cross over into fullness. What did Jesus see in you when died on the cross a cruel, tortuous death? Heb. 12:2 Be encouraged to be a fighter to overcome every trial as you seek His wisdom and bring JoY to His heart. Check out and apply at
Dr. Jorge Parrott Sends Out Graduates of CMM College of Theology With A Powerful Commissioning!

Wonderful, precious times with Graduates of CMM College of Theology from many nations including S. Africa, Thailand, India, America and Canada. Each are very fruitful, creative, and impacting nations for the Glory of the Lord. Check out

Podomatic NEW Episode
CMM Theology Bachelor, 2023, Saw Saw Lu presents "Victory through Jesus Christ." Saw Lu is an exceptional young leader in a war-torn nation who had weathered many storms yet keeps his eyes and heart focused on the Lord Jesus! Here his heart and joy as his strength to walk in the Light and overcome much! Are you called to go higher in the Word and Holy Spirit? Check out and apply today to arrange your video meeting online to ask questions and find answers! Like, comment, and share.

Podomatic NEW Episode 
CMM Theology MMin 2023, Natasha Van Tonder presents "Woman, be Reformed!." Natasha is from S. Africa and has a powerful ministry on the streets, reaching the lost and the hurting with the precious life-changing love of our Lord. We invite to pray about going to Africa to be trained and minister by Natasha. We also invite you to many nations where we have trusted, loving friends in the nations. Experience the fullness in the Lord's heart for the nations. Psa. 2:8. Contact our office or email today. Applications are now being accepted at

Praying Over Your Region! Avoiding the 'Controlling, lukewarm, anti-Christ spirits!' Students of CMM College of Theology rally parents at a school parking lot whose parental permission was not sought. Hear testimonies how friends are taking a stand and not 'Giving Up!' Stand for righteousness and truth at all costs. Don't let the media be your source of revelation. Neh. 6:3 "And I sent messengers to them, saying, I am doing a great work and cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave to come down to you?" The watered-down, lukewarm gospel is not the true Gospel. Building strong relationships is rooted in trust and that takes time. Ask the Holy Spirit what He wants you to get involved in! -

Receive your powerful impartation from this Apostle of Prayer. Dr. Abel Zuma speaks on the POWER OF PRAYER AND INTERCESSION! Abel is from S. Africa and overcame total rejection by his family to continually see the Lord's hand in his life. Receive your powerful impartation from this Apostle of Prayer. Able shares amazing miracle testimonies that will transform and inspire you. Like, follow, share, and check out with friends and family.

CMM College of Theology is Led by the Holy Spirit to go Higher Each Year! Now accepting applications! We have to submit, yield and surrender to the Lord of the Harvest, to grow in all He has for each of us! The Holy Spirit is the best teacher! Generations, cultures, and many streams come together for the experiential, revelatory discovery of the seven Spirits of God. People from all walks of life join together to ascend the Mountain of the Lord from all the seven mountains. Jesus said 'Go into all the world!' Now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 with graduation in June 3, 2023. Contact us to set up a one on one or two Zoom call to get all your questions answered. 704-909-0623 PLEASE SHARE WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND CHURCHES!

Happy Pentecost Sunday! Believe and Receive the Holy Spirit as we move Into His glorious revelation and promises. Deep cries unto deep!

What Are Missions in 2023? The Supernatural Life Walking In The Spirit! Kamran Yaraei interviews Jorge Parrott Part 1 Enjoy and hang out with Jesus and Kamran, and Jorge as Jorge shares how the Lord called him out of business into Missions. Follow us at and visit our website at Psalm 139:16 "Before the foundation of the world, all the days of my life were written in Your Book."

Robert Bimba CMM College of Theology Class Shares Powerfully Heaven's Blueprints To Empower Farmers and Transform Liberia

Obedience Drives Brother F. who Is Called To Follow the Lord Alone, Not The Crowd. Miracles! Brother F. shares about obedience at all costs and not moving in fear but in 'love, power and sound mind.' He shares about sharing the Jesus film in a mosque! Every word in the Bible is true! Proclaim what the Lord says! Let the Lord show His Power! Our place in society as a Son of God, a King, a Priest is so needed! Pray and sow into F's current work in closed nations and ask the Lord how much He wants you to sow into reaching those who don't know Jesus yet.

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