Since 2004 with the Asian tsunami, CMM has rallied our global family to help in times of natural and man-made disasters to bring aid urgently in the USA, Israel, Thailand, Pakistan, Guatemala, Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Uganda, Malawi and the Dem. Rep. of Congo and many nations.
CMM thanks our precious Partners who support delivering urgent humanitarian aid and disaster relief during times of war, earthquakes, floods, fires, and natural and man-made disasters. We have been blessed to receive over $80 million in ‘gifts in kind’ to help in times of disaster. In the last 20 years, we have been blessed with literally saving many lives. Emergency Aid to Israel
Pray and share please🙏
Christians Are Vulnerable In This Pakistani Community-Help Them With Their Own Water Well.
Christians are being ignored and neglected by the government. Christian community leaders and their families are still waiting for electrical power to be installed and walking 2 kilometers to gather clean water to drink and protect their families from stomach sicknesses and different kinds of skin issues. Typhoid can be fatal if not treated. The answer is a water pump for deep, clean water, without the threat of violence or death threats walking 2 km to get water daily.
Unfortunately, they have no water pumps in their village to get healthy and clean water for the children, women, and elderly people to prevent stomach and digestive illness, typhoid and diarrhea and other health problems.
You can make a huge difference in this community of believers today! Please pray for them and their faith to grow stronger.
Emphasizing the Urgency in Growing in Discernment So the Lord Will Complete The Good Work He started in US. (In English and Italian)
Jorge shares with CMM friends in Switzerland the foundations of working out our salvation with fear and trembling so we do not become lukewarm or complacent. Jorge shares front line stories from CMM fields of real heroes of the faith risking their lives to win souls and disciple the saints so they may know the know the Joy the Lord offers us as we obey with boldness and courage. Share with friends and family and Italian speakers.
You Can Make An Immediate Impact During A Crisis!
With global calamities happening at an alarming rate, CMM teams respond quickly to natural disasters like flooding, famine, drought, fires, hurricanes and tsunamis, and refugee resettlement to provide food, safe water, medicines, clothing, etc. to our front line, indigenous friends.
In some countries, there is a genocide happening against Christians.
At times, your prayers and support save lives. For example, last year, we got word of over 100 young women, some as young as 8 years old, discovered to have been trafficked as sex slaves in an Asian nation.
Our 'boots on the ground' indigenous pastors rallied and made plans to rescue them, raiding the den of iniquity they were held slaves in and bravely freeing them at 4 am. Safe houses were in place in this well-planned rescue, and the girls were comforted by loving female staff awaiting the trauma.
Powerful Testimony
We invite you on a life changing faith adventure in December as we visit our awesome CMM friends in Liberia and Kenya. There are three segments. You can join in one, two or all three between Dec. 4th and 17th. Watch and learn more. Contact us at or .
Our standing with Israel is based on what the Lord says, not any of mankind's opinion, as we stand on His promises and prophetic destiny, He will bring it to pass.
CMM works with key ministries as members of CMM and strategic alliances exist that are called and dedicated to serving in and honoring Israel.
In Deut. 7: vs 6 we read, ‘For you are a holy and set-apart people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a special people to Himself out of all the peoples on the face of the earth.’ The Lord made a covenant with Israel from the time of Abraham, the Father of our faith, the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus and the many prophecies in the OT and NT of Israel’s special identity and destiny for Jew and Gentile alike. Some are undercover for various reasons so we do not list all their names.