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Pray and Help Save Children and Teen Lives from Human Trafficking with New Light Nepal. (Click link to read more.)
Bhuvan and his wife Sunari founded New Light Nepal to raise awareness about human trafficking in villages and schools across Nepal. They organize one-day anti-trafficking programs, offer three-month MAT (Mothers Against Trafficking) classes,
and hold a Pro-life Program in East Nepal. Abortions are increasing, so educating women and young girls is a high priority for the ministry as well.

The classes they lead educate communities on how traffickers deceive families with false promises of jobs, marriage, or money for their daughters, only to sell them into slavery and prostitution in other countries.

It Is Vital In These Turbulent Times To Know The Voice Of The Lord-Receive All He Desires For You-EncounterThe Lord In His Word With The Holy Spirit At CMM College of Theology!
Now, more than ever, we must keep our eyes on the Lord, not the enemy. We invite YOU into a revelatory, creative, experiential, global classroom online as you learn to love at CMM College of Theology. Applications are being accepted for classes starting soon!

Urgent Appeal For Aid Behind Enemy Lines! Timothy and his family lost all hope until they met one of our long-term trusted missionaries serving in his region. Remember our Brethren who are in dangerous places, facing persecution, hunger, and threats, forcing many to move to safer areas. Pastor Samuel took them in, fed them, and provided for them until he arranged for a safe passage and new lodging in a secure area with fellow CMM Members, working together to win souls and set captives free! Timothy's family experienced Jesus' love in fresh, real ways when the government nor anyone would help them. Now, their children sleep well, are well-fed and cared for, and love being in school again. Thank you, dear friends, for spreading hope and giving genuine, practical help while sharing the true Gospel for Abba's glory. Click here to pray and learn more:

Thank you, David, for sharing these from our largest-ever open house for CMM College of Theology! We are so excited and thankful how the Lord brings amazing nation changers from many nations who hunger for more of the Lord, His Word, and Holy Spirit during this crucial time to 'go up His mountain, so He can teach His way.' Affordable, Christian-accredited degree classes start in September. This school is full of revelation weekly, studying with people from many streams, backgrounds, and cultures. Watch the two short videos on our homepage at . Email us at Our updated catalog is available under the 'academics' tab. Associate, Bachelor, Masters 1 & 2, Doctoral, and CPhD, along with 3 new degrees in Christian Counseling to help you heal hearts as trauma has affected many in all walks of life. You don't want to miss this!

Your prayers and generosity touch many lives and bring hope to people in harsh, unfriendly, dire situations. You receive the same reward as those on the front lines. Pray and give as the Lord leads today at Bring hope and immediate help as we share Jesus' love behind enemy lines. Did Someone Help You Get Started? YOUR Prayers And Generosity Can Make A Lasting Impact Helping Someone Else Get Started Too!
It's time to help end the poverty and entitlement spirit in the lives of our friends in many nations. Our CMM business teams help oversee each step and give practical/Biblical oversight and accountability. CMM has life-empowering, income-producing projects to teach those who really desire to become self-sustaining and feel the rewards coming from responsible work while learning wise stewardship. Examples: Chicken, Goats, Agriculture, Clothes Tailoring, Craft making, Child-Care, Auto and Motorcycle Repair, etc. Gifts are needed (request info on Micro-Loans) You've heard, 'Give a man a fish, and he will eat that day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime. We want to teach them how to own the fish farm! Click this link to learn more. Are YOU Ready For Breakthrough In Encountering The Lord In His Word With The Holy Spirit At CMM College of Theology?
Discover all the Lord created you to be in a revelatory, creative, experiential, global classroom online as you learn to love at CMM College of Theology. Applications are being accepted for classes starting soon! We had our largest turnout ever for this year's Open House. Meet our faculty, hear graduates and new students share their hearts as they hunger for more of the Lord, and experience exciting times as we stand strong together in the authority we have in Jesus Christ. Revelatory, experiential, interactive and engaging for all eternity! Great for working families, as classes are online globally once or twice a week. Associates, Bachelors and Masters Degree in Biblical Studies, Theology and Counseling. DMin and CPhD degrees are available. Email and apply today at Students attending from many nations!

Help flood victims in India! Your Rapid Response GIVES URGENT HELP AND HOPE, even SAVES LIVES Delivered Quickly by Your CMM Global Family!
Thank you for your prayers as the ecclesia of the Lord in our CMM Global Family rallies in times of war, chaos, and uncertainty by being the heart, feet, and hands of Jesus to bless and help those facing life-threatening crises in many nations.
Many are coming to know Jesus in this great harvest, and we hear of many miracles and healings, PTL!

With global calamities happening at an alarming rate, CMM teams respond quickly to natural disasters like wars, terror, flooding, famine, drought, fires, hurricanes, and tsunamis, as well as refugee resettlement to provide food, safe water, medicines, clothing, etc., to our Indigenous friends. In some countries, there is genocide happening against Christians.

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