Pure essential oils like the ones young and living produces (not the trashy walmart brand) are thereputic in use. I gave my wife peppermint oil and digize (blend of essential oils) and it replaced prescription doctor pills and worked just as well for morning sickness. Oregano oil works in place of penicillin and is better. I use two drops of thieves oil in my mouth for my throat when it's sore. These essential oils have almost no side effects and works better then medicine and is cheaper. I have been able to avoid doctors! I use them on my kids and myself and wife. You do have to know some things to use essential oils safely but common sense reigns after you know the basics. No I'm not going to say this is not FDA approved, these products are intended to cure and prevent diseases (called freedom of speech 2nd amendment, take that FDA). If anyone is interested and want to avoid doctors let me know! It's safer healthier and cheaper.
Positive things from the Liberal pandemic.
1) The Church was sifted and exposed those who really did not follow our Lord.
2) some believers, actually woke up!
3) prayer guessing increased
4) more people actually are interested in the book of Revelation
5) the enemy has been more exposed through Trump then ever before
6) you also give me some positive things
MANDATE FEVER: American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and JetBlue will now require employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Apple has partnered with United Airlines (through Apple’s iOS 15 Health App) to help travelers provide vaccination records to the airline.
The Biden Administration plans to fully enforce the vaccine mandate for federal workers in November. The Department of Defense is giving all U.S. civilian employees until November 22 to be vaccinated. Military members who refuse the vaccine are facing dishonorable discharge, including one Afghan war vet who has two heart conditions. At least one dozen Washington State employees saw their previously granted religious exemptions revoked at the last minute and now have only a few days to get the jab or be fired.
Post-Conflict, UN Human Rights Council Opens Ludicrous Investigation into Alleged Israel War Crimes https://beholdisrael.org/post-conflict-un-human-rights-council-opens-ludicrous-investigation-into-alleged-israel-war-crimes/
I have a dilemma. I always refuse masks when entering stores. Most of the time it is not a problem. Other companies say its required when I walk in, i still politely refuse and walk on. I dont want to seem unchristian like, but I definitely hate communism and the suppression of constitutional rights. I will politely argue with the people but sometimes give in and other times they give up. How do you guys approach the mask issue?
In your experience have churches allowed you as a christian much freedom to serve God according to Scriptures or do they demand to have their hands in your every decision. In other words if you wanted to start a small bible study or prayer group, would you be able to do it easily or would hour church require they have control over it and would u need their permission?
It's a beautiful day in kansas. 80 degrees sunshine and flowers blooming. Just as in winter things die so in spring everything comes to life. Death removes old leaves necessary for the new leaves. So in Christ we had to die first then resurrection occurs after death. If we die with him then we shall certainly live with him. According the the Essenes, God created the world on spring. If you think about it even our gregorian calendar points to that October means 8. November 9 , December 10 like or decimal, which makes January 11 and February month 12. Which makes March the first month. Most calanders have their leap days at the end of the year, but ours are in February (unless of course March is traditionally the first month that God created the world as the Jews suggest.). Thought this might be interesting. God bless all in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Paul says the word of the cross is the power of God unto salvation. Miracles are not the power of God that saves us, neither divine healings. Only at calvary when we are taken to its hill, and when we see Christ as the atonement as our sins do we recieve the power of God that saves us. Do you know that no revival can come except through the preaching of the cross in the power of God, and only a people that pray and hear and obey Gods voice receive the power to preach the Gospel. My dear friends, many can preach the Gospel, but not in Gods power for salvation. You only recieve the power of God to preach the Gospel through prayer if you obey Gods voice. Many preach the Gospel but it has no life changing power. This is not due to the Gospel but due to the vessel. Not all vessels hold rivers of living water, neither do all believers. Only a Holy people can be filled with the Holy Ghost for both are Holy. May we pray for revival and see the conditions necessary for it.
What the first Adam couldn't do in a perfect environment, Christ did in his weakness. Adam was not starving, had no stress and could have satisfied his hunger from any other tree, yet he failed. Christ was literally starving in a wilderness and was at his greatest weakness. Yet Christ overcame in his weakness, what Adam could not do in his strength. Man in all his strength cannot please God, but Christ overcame the world. We cannot obey God in our human strength but in Christ we can overcome.
Do you not know? Have you not heard?
Has it not been declared to you from the beginning?
Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?
22 It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers,
Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain
And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.
23 He it is who reduces rulers to nothing,
Who makes the judges of the earth meaningless.
24 Scarcely have they been planted,
Scarcely have they been sown,
Scarcely has their stock taken root in the earth,
But He merely blows on them, and they wither,
And the storm carries them away like stubble.
25 “To whom then will you liken Me
That I would be his equal?” says the Holy One.
God says in Isaiah that he considers rulers nothing and meaningless. For barely as they have set up their kingdoms, and just as they have rooted themselves, he blows on them and they wither and are carried away.
What should we expect from the Biden administration? I bet you he wants churches to join him for social justice. Hitler did not take down every church instead only the ones that were speaking out the truth. Churches are the people who he does not fully have a hold of yet. He has media, money, power, but he needs not the absence of churches but churches that support him. So expect government regulations on churches in America to see which ones follow him and which ones are stubborn. I know that joe biden and the far left were aiming to take down trump and Republicans but take heed, they will aim at the churches. We are in their way.