“You say, “Well, doesn’t the church need freedom of religion to move forward?” No. In no way does any political law aid or hinder the church of Jesus Christ. We are a separate kingdom. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world My servants would fight.”

We would fight if the kingdom were of the world to make sure we got our space in the world. But this is not a kingdom that is part of this world, this is a kingdom of another world. The church does not need help from Washington or any other government.”

-Pastor John MacArthur

@NickAustin The church doesn’t need freedom of religion to move forward. This is true. But the Church should work and fight for the freedom of religion because it is the right thing to do. Without the freedom of religion, godless bullies wreak havoc on countless victims. Freedom of religion is a matter for justice, like feeding the poor or defending the weak.
“My kingdom is not of this world,” is better translated “My kingdom is not from this world,” as in, originating from this world. But without question, Jesus’ Kingdom is FOR this world. As Jesus taught us to pray: “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

@KarlGessler it’s a really interesting topic and I don’t have all the answers. It is true that historically, when churches are allowed to operate “freely”, usually the quality and depth of the Christian’s faith decreases... we get soft and lose our urgency for teaching the lost. Persecution keeps us on our toes and strengthens our faith in amazing ways. That being said, I don’t welcome persecution by any means, and I don’t wish it on myself or my family. So what is the answer then?

And what is the difference between freedom of religion and freedom of speech? @sinobach has spoken recently on the importance of defending freedom of speech because Satan operates by silencing and isolating Christians. We must always speak the Truth. Can freedom of speech exist when freedom of religion does not? Do we fight to defend freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or both? I don’t have all the answers. These are the things I am thinking through. Thanks for commenting!


@NickAustin Thank you for your thoughtful response! I’m glad that more people are talking about this today.
Lin Wood, a now famous lawyer from Georgia, says that Simple Truths are the best.
A child must feel heard by his or her parents to have a healthy relationship. A government must hear the voice of its people to have a healthy relationship. As a matter of justice and peace, Christians must advocate and exercise free speech. If we do not, we are not defending the weak.
Without freedom of religion, there is no freedom of speech. Jesus told Pilate, “I came to testify to the truth.” (John 18:37). We can do no less.

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